Suprised kid opening box


1. What is a Balikbayan Box?

A balikbayan box is a corrugated box containing items sent by overseas Filipinos (known as "balikbayans", literally "returning to the country/nation"). Though often shipped by freight forwarders specializing in balikbayan boxes by sea, such boxes can be brought by Filipinos returning to the Philippines by air. - source: Wikipedia

2. How long does it take for a balikbayan box to arrive in the Philippines from the US?

Depending on the season, a balikbayan box takes around 2 to 3 months to arrive in the Philippines by sea freight.

3. What is the weight limit for a balikbayan box?

There is no weight limit for each sea freight balikbayan box.

4. Who can send balikbayan boxes to the Philippines?

Resident Filipinos, Non-resident Filipinos, and Overseas Filipino Workers can avail of the tax and duty-free sending of balikbayan boxes to a family member or relative in the Philippines. This is called the balikbayan box privilege.

6. Do I need to pay US sales tax when shopping on SendToPhil?

Since you are sending the items to the Philippines, you do not have to pay US sales tax for items purchased on the SendToPhil website.

7. Who packs the items that I purchase on the SendToPhil website and how are they packed?

Our SendToPhil packing specialists follow step-by-step visual instructions for optimized packing generated by state-of-the-art loading optimization software. We also make sure that the items are safely positioned in the box.

8. Can I include my own items (e.g. used clothes or personal stuff) to put in the balikbayan box?

Yes you can! Just put your items in a box and ship it to our warehouse in San Dimas, California. Our address is 122 Shire Ct. San Dimas CA 91773. We also accept drop-offs.

9. Can I buy items on other websites and have items shipped to your warehouse?

Yes you can! Our address is 122 Shire Ct. San Dimas CA 91773. Send us an email at with the order information.

10. Who ships my boxes to the Philippines?

SendToPhil has partnered with LBC, one of the biggest and most reliable shipping companies in the world, so you can be assured your boxes get to your loved ones intact and on time. Our shipping partner picks the boxes up from our warehouse in San Dimas, CA on a weekly basis.

11. How long does it take you to pack a box?

It takes approximately 5 to 7 business days to pack a box.

12. What are the fees for using SendToPhil?

SendToPhil charges a handling fee which is included in the total shipping price. This rate is approximately 30% of a box's shipping rate.

13. Does SendToPhil collect any credit card transaction fees?

No, SendToPhil does not collect any transaction fees on your credit card payments.

14. Will I have to pay any tax and duties when the box arrives in the Philippines?

No you don't have to. However, some electronic items on SendToPhil are subject to a $30 surcharge when shipping via Air. These are items like computers, cellphones, tablets, cameras, etc. The $30 surcharge is applied for every 3 electronic items added to cart. For example, if you have 3 cellphones in your box, your surcharge is $30. If you have 4 cellphones, your surcharge is $60. If you have 6 cellphones, your surcharge is $60.